Sunday, July 22, 2007

Saving Up

We have finally reached the middle of the year. Just the other day I was contemplating and reassessing the goals that I've mentally listed of "Must Do this 2007". So far I still have a lot to do but I realized that compared to last year I'm doin' a-okay! I must not be too hard on myself and give negativity the slight power over me. Just let everything flow and with Gods grace and inspiration the right moment will come.

Another goal or objective for this year is "Saving up". There was a time that I had to have everything I want such as clothes, shoes, bags and gadgets. Though I've already rehabilitated and managed the shopahollic in me, I still have some tingling urges left (such as a new MP3 player) . To further control these urges and prevent myself from spending my money, I have surrendered all my finances to my mom. Yes! as pre-school as it may sound I have my mom to the rescue. Nowadays temptation to spend is high when you see all of the latest gadgets, concerts (the christina aguilera concert which costs PHP7000++ /ticket), cds, bags and alike. I think having money saved up is really important, it's nice to start young (okay... im in my early twenties am I still considered young, young?). Knowing that I have something saved really boosts me up to save more and more.

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t-na @ 12:22 AM| 0 comments